The Top 5 Questions About Meditation | Meditation Basics

What is meditation?

Meditation is a discipline used by people for thousands of years as a way of training our awareness. It is exercise for your brain. This exercise creates space between our experiences and our reactions. Within this space created, there is room for all sorts of possibilities: compassion, empathy, play, understanding, forgiveness, joy, listening.

Can anyone meditate?

Yes! Anyone can meditate.*

Meditation techniques are simple and accessible to just about everyone. If you’re following the instruction, you’re meditating! A busy mind can be discouraging when you start to meditate but that’s part of the practice. Your mind will always continue to make thoughts because that’s what it does. In meditation, we’re training our focus to not to be taken away by those thoughts but to observe them free of judgement and let them pass. 

*I would not advise someone with trauma or who is struggling with mental health to begin a meditation program without first talking to their care provider. 

What time of day should I meditate?

The best time of day to meditate is the time you can most consistently show up to practice. For real. Whatever time of day you can commit to is the perfect time!

First thing in the morning is the traditionally recommended time for meditation. Beginning your day with meditation will set the tone for every interaction you have. Prime your day with focus, optimism, peace and kindness by meditation first thing in the morning. 

How long should I meditate for?

Start where you are. If you only have a few minutes, start your practice there. Begin with five minute sessions. Work up from there. 

It's more important to meditate consistently than it is to meditate for long periods. So it's more effective to meditate for ten minutes every day than an hour a couple times a week. 

What should I expect to happen from my meditation practice?

Every person’s meditation practice will be their own. It's best to approach your practice without expectation and allow your journey to unfold on the cushion. 

Some effects that have been scientifically measured include reduction of cortisol (the stress hormone), anxiety, depression and pain. It has been shown to increase self image, positive outlook, self awareness, attention span, neural plasticity, memory function, sleep and have positive effects on blood pressure.

Start a meditation practice today.

All you have to do is breathe.

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